Chilling Choices: A Comparison of Static vs. Fan Ice Cream Displays

August 16th, 2023

When it comes to presenting frozen delights, the choice of an ice cream display can significantly impact how your treats are showcased and preserved. Two common options in the world of ice cream displays are static displays and fan displays. Each has its own set of advantages and considerations. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the differences between static and fan ice cream displays to help you make an informed decision for your frozen dessert business.

Static Ice Cream Displays: Keeping it Simple

Static ice cream displays, also known as static cold plates, are designed to maintain a consistent and even temperature throughout the display area. These displays work by circulating cold air beneath the product, ensuring that the ice cream remains at an ideal serving temperature. Static displays are often chosen for their simplicity and reliability.


  • Consistent Temperature: Static displays offer a stable temperature that helps preserve the quality and texture of the ice cream.
  • Energy Efficiency: These displays are often more energy-efficient compared to fan displays, as they don’t require constant airflow.
  • Quiet Operation: Static displays operate quietly, making them suitable for quieter environments.


  • Limited Air Circulation: The lack of air movement can lead to temperature stratification within the display, causing some areas to be colder than others.
  • Limited Cooling Capacity: Static displays might struggle to maintain lower temperatures during peak hours or in warmer environments.

Fan Ice Cream Displays: Amplifying Airflow

Fan ice cream displays incorporate fans that circulate cold air within the display unit. The movement of air helps to evenly distribute cold temperatures and maintain a consistent environment for the ice cream. Fan displays are often preferred for larger setups or locations where temperature consistency is crucial.


  • Even Temperature Distribution: The continuous airflow ensures that all portions of the display remain at the same temperature, reducing the risk of temperature stratification.
  • Effective Cooling: Fan displays are efficient at maintaining lower temperatures even in high-demand scenarios.
  • Larger Capacities: These displays are suitable for larger establishments with a higher volume of ice cream to display.


  • Energy Consumption: Fan displays tend to consume more energy due to the constant operation of the fans.
  • Noise: The fans can generate noise, which might be a consideration if your business requires a quieter environment.
  • Potential Drying: The continuous airflow might contribute to the drying of the ice cream’s surface if not properly managed.

Choosing the Right Display for You

Selecting between a static and a fan ice cream display hinges on factors like the size of your establishment, the volume of ice cream you serve, and the desired temperature consistency. If you’re running a smaller setup with less frequent temperature fluctuations, a static display might be a practical and energy-efficient choice. On the other hand, for larger establishments or those operating in warmer climates, a fan display could be better suited to maintaining an even temperature and preventing temperature inconsistencies.

Remember, the quality of your ice cream presentation and preservation can greatly influence customer satisfaction. Whether you opt for the simplicity of static displays or the enhanced airflow of fan displays, ensuring that your ice cream is showcased and served at its best is key to creating a delightful experience for your customers.